I have been using my psychic gifts for the past 25 years to help people just like you, but as a child, I can remember feeling very alone and misunderstood until I began to meet like minded travelers, along the spiritual pathway.
When I first realized that I had the ‘sight’, I was about 5 years of age and like most children, I just figured that this was normal and everyone could see or hear what I did. WRONG! My family dismissed me as having an over active imagination or worse, that I told lies. The shame and loneliness I experienced as a child stayed with me until I came to understand how to utilize what God had given me, and to see my gifts for the blessing they are.
If you have never had a psychic reading done before, I want you to know that there is no need to be afraid or worried. Before we start with the readings, I ground us both with prayer and intention so that only those angels, guides, ascended masters or kinfolk who come through are there for your highest good.
When I do my readings I connect to father (god), mother earth, higher spirit, angels and my guides. I use a few different cards to start my reading but once I am connected to the universal consciousness, a doorway opens between myself and the person I am seeking answers for, and I then let my intuitive mediumship/gifts take over to compelet the reading.
During the reading, I will see and hear things from my client’s past, future and their present moment. Readings are generally used to explain personal characteristics , and they that can offer a deeper insight into your life. These methods help you examine your limitations and clarify what is holding you back from being truly happy in all aspects of your life. I will give you an open, positive yet compassionate reading and I will also record it for you..If you are seeking reassurance with your Relationships, Love, and Finance, Family or Stress management or needto connect to that special someone who has crossed over to the other side, these are the areas that I specialize in, and I’m here to guide you and help you find calm and inner peace.
Psychic readings can be done over the phone, through email or in person. Insightful psychic readings are $45 for a half hour or $70 an hour and each session is recorded so you can bring the reading home with you. Please contact Cindy at crystalrainbows33@yahoo.ca 519-573-4082
Psychic Reading party in your home Are you looking for a fun way to have a party? Have a psychic party in your home with your friends or family. I have been doing Birthday parties, stags, anniversaries, girls night, just because night and Christmas parties for a number of years. It is a exciting way to have a party. My rates are: $10 for driving to your home unless farther than 30 mins. Each reading can be 20 mins to 60 mins long. Channeled Visionary Art Readings by Crystalrainbows Have you had a Visionary Art Reading? What is a Visionary Art Reading? A Visionary reading is a one on one reading with a guided meditation where your angels and guides come through with painted messages and imagines for you. How long is a Visionary Art Reading? Each reading is a ½ an hour to an hour long and you take your painting home with you. How much is a Visionary Art Reading? $60. ***A Visionary Art Reading will show us your messages in art form. Cindy will translate your visionary reading from your angels and what they are saying to you.*** Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. Remember I’m here for you and I look forward to reading and guiding you.
I have known Cindy for almost 2 years. A very analytical skeptic person I was and still am. Over the time I have known Cindy, she has led me on my spiritual path, which probably has proven difficult for her because of my way of thinking and negativity. She has blown my mind with her capabilities to guide me to the light. She has been the voice of my spirit guide, when I am blind to my intuition. Too much to explain, you must go and talk to her. We all have our missions in life, hers is to help you, to keep the light burning bright.
Hello Cindy,
Thank you so much for sharing your story, I totally feel you on that! I have been through pretty much the same as I was awake since I was a child. My parents told me that the angels and the guides I saw are not real and they are just in my imagination. By growing up, I was helping friends by giving them psychic readings. This finally led to my current profession as a past life therapist and psychic medium.
It was a pleasure connecting with you today! Wishing you all the best!